D'Micheal McElroy

Programer/Web Developer, Student

About Me

About ~ D'Micheal

Hello, My name is D'Micheal McElroy, I am a Student at the Mississippi Coding Acadamey
My Goal at the Acadamey is to bring unified understanding of the coding world.There is much to Learn about the vast world of coding but in all honesty the "Pros" of what coders learn will not only advance ourselves, but the surrounding the coders are in. In my domain as a Coder i plan to inspire others in there persuit of knowlege. Although my main Achivement is the progress of "Emma", an artifical intelligence built to present the learning progress and the process it's self easier to its user(s) by allowing specific "coding" questions to be answered or by targetting specific coding problems, then bringing a complete understanding to its user for further development.

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HTML CSS & Javascript


This project was designed using javascript and both HTML 5 and CSS, The "ATM" is a fast cash withdraw Automatic Teller Machine with the ability to deposit withdraw and transfer currency.

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Budget Caculator

This project was designed with javascript to caculate the budget with an anual Income.

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Pet Finder

This project was designed to ask a series of questions that would determine a perfect pet based on the users answers using javascript.

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Random Super Hero

This project was designed using a randomized choice to output three seperate strings making a complete sentence of a diffrent super hero with diffrent abbilities.

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Joke Generator

This joke generator was designed to generate randomized strings that contain jokes that would be stitched together into one sentence.

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Html & CSS


The Bootstrap_Grid Project was designed by me to resemble a pdf of a Venedor Website. Aside from the Pizza Shop(HTML), this site is HTML & CSS envolved to obtain a visual understanding by my instuctors of how well i've become in programming HTML & CSS. Therefore the design of the page is more appealing to the client.

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Pizza Shop (HTML)

The Goal of this project was to design a webpage that was only HTML.
The project was complete a website that allows the incoming user to build a pizza that they want with the given toppings and choices. the project included guidelines such as three pictures at the top page and a link that wold go from the bottom of the page to the top
(Basic HTML)

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Python 3.6

Pizza Shop (python)

This pizza shop was created using pyhton 3.6 allowing the user to make a pizza withe the choices on the menu or a randomized choice, then order the pizza

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